Support Monte McNaughton's Plan to Roll-back and Cap the $143 Million Ontario Death Tax

The Estate Administration Tax, also known as the Death Tax, is levied on assets that have already been taxed.

The value of the estate of a deceased, the total on which the government bases the amount of tax payable, does not account for debts, liens, or charitable bequests.

The federal government has set a precedent of creating tax incentives to encourage increased charitable giving, which this provincial tax is contrary to.

The new requirements for filing the Death Tax obliges the estate executors to file a significant amount of documentation and supporting evidence within only 90 days; and the audit and verification authority established by the government is an expensive and unnecessary level of bureaucracy.

The changes implemented in January 2015 will negatively impact all estates in Ontario.

I petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows: to unanimously endorse and quickly pass Bill 120 An Act to amend the Estate Administration Tax Act, 1998 to roll back and cap the Death Tax and get rid of the punishing deadlines and penalties this government has introduced.

I petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows: to unanimously endorse and quickly pass Bill 120 An Act to amend the Estate Administration Tax Act, 1998 to roll back and cap the Death Tax and get rid of the punishing deadlines and penalties this government has introduced.

Will you sign?